China Section 301 (Trump Tariffs) / Request for information / Upcoming webinar

Jan 3, 2024
Dear UNPA Colleagues —


First, the UNPA team extends our best wishes to you for this new year and the prospect of fresh thinking, new opportunities, and personal growth and improvement.


Over the past few months, UNPA has been carefully researching the Section 301 Tariffs imposed on imported Chinese dietary supplement ingredients. These 301 tariffs were implemented in 2018 after a U.S. trade representative (USTR) investigation into China’s non-reciprocal trade practices.


I have attached an Excel spreadsheet with the highlighted Section 301 tariff ingredients, which range from 7.5% to 25% and cover about 3/4 of dietary supplement ingredients, with the notable exception of letter vitamins. UNPA is assessing the financial impact of these 301 tariffs on our membership, and from there we can extrapolate an estimated financial burden to the overall U.S. dietary supplement industry.


Hence, we are seeking your input and ask if you would share with us the following information: As a percent of total, what is the added cost of China-sourced raw material subject to 301 tariffs from 2019 through 2023?


There is an urgency to this request, as UNPA will be co-hosting a meeting with the USTR in Beijing, China, on January 18 where our findings will be presented to the staff of the U.S. Embassy and the USTR.


This meeting will be held at the U.S. Embassy, but we have made arrangements to broadcast it by Teams and will send an invitation for you to watch the proceedings virtually. If you have China staff who would like to attend the USTR meeting in person on January 18 at 8:00 AM (China time) at the US Embassy in Beijing, please RSVP


We very much appreciate your help in establishing the economic burden these tariffs represent and the impact on our product pricing throughout the supply chain and ultimately to our consumers.

