Sabinsa Corporation

Founded in 1988 by the late Dr. Muhammed Majeed, an internationally acclaimed scientist and entrepreneur in the area of “Evidence Based Medicine”, Sabinsa Corporation is a research-oriented multinational health science company and a leading producer of nutraceuticals, cosmeceuticals, standardized herbal extracts, fine chemicals, specialty chemicals, and probiotics for the nutritional, cosmetic, pharmaceutical and food industries. Over the past 36 years, Sabinsa has brought to market more than 100 standardized botanical extracts and privately funded several clinical studies in conjunction with prestigious institutions in support of these products. With more than 120 full time scientists conducting ongoing research in India and the United States, Sabinsa continues to develop and patent phytonutrients for the world market. All products intended for human consumption are certified Kosher and Halal. For more information, visit